Understand Hunger

We might not expect the United States, as one of the wealthiest nations in the world, to have problems ensuring adequate nutrition for its most vulnerable citizens. But, in fact, hunger is a systemic and dangerously large problem, both nationally and in Ohio.

The numbers don't lie.

As of 2021, the following statistics tell the story of hunger both nationally and in Ohio. We're fairly certain you'll find some of these facts shocking:

"The 33.8 Million"

Fact: There are over 33.8 million hungry people in the United States.

If it took only 1 second to count each hungry person, it would take over 393 days to count all of the hungry people in our country.


Fact: Ohio has one of the highest rates of food insecurity in the country.

Of correlating concern is the fact that 1,391,290 People in Ohio are Food Insecure - and of them 386,430 are children.

"What is Needed?"

Fact: People facing hunger in Ohio are estimated to report needing $835,411,000 more per year to meet their food needs.

"The Future"

Fact: 1 in 7 Ohio kids are in homes struggling with food insecurity.

We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. And we still haven't figured out a way to keep 1 out of every 7 children in Ohio from struggling with food insecurity in our state.

Disturbed by these numbers?

These numbers have faces. You can help us fight for the hungry by donating or becoming an advocate.

Continued Research

“Map the Meal Gap,” Feeding America. [https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america/ohio].

“U.S. and State Food Security,” USDA Economic Research Service. [https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-u-s/interactive-charts-and-highlights/#States].